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Charlie Anderson Sumner


I first took a yoga class in my late teens while living in London. My practice then continued and developed by taking classes through most of my twenties until a desire to study more deeply hit me.

Listening to this calling to know more about yoga I embarked on the year-long British Wheel of Yoga foundation level (taught by the inspirational Lyn Core), a wonderful course of deep practice and self-study that I would recommend to anyone with a niggle to know more about yoga and themselves.

My intention was to follow on this course directly with a teacher training but fate found me pregnant with my second child and Lyn choosing to lead a Foundation level 2, a rarely taught but oh so valuable course that I am so privileged to have received.


I hold a 500hr Level 4 Teacher Training Diploma with The British Wheel (also tutored by Lyn Core).

For more information on the British Wheel of Yoga see their website

I also completed a 35 hour Forrest Yoga Continuing Education for Teachers with Jambo Truong in May 2016.


A very important part of my journey as a yoga teacher is to continue my journey as a student.

I do this through self-practice and self-study, by attending classes, workshops and retreats hosted by other teachers, through reading and studying about yoga and related topics, by taking CPD courses and by living my yoga both on and off the mat.

Pictures by Emily Walker 

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